Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Perfect Green Smoothie.....

Ok, so I LOVE green smoothies. What I don't love though is that every time I make them I end up getting gross chunks of spinach that don't blend up. So then I'm stuck with this nasty green sludge in my breakfast....gross. I don't know about you guys but I don't want to be worried that the Loch Ness Monster is going to be crawling out of my smoothie cup on my drive to work.

This got me thinking...what can I change to make the perfect green smoothie? A smoothie with all the flavor and none of the mossy green gunk. So I started experimenting. I blended it longer than I usually did....when that didn't work I blended it A LOT longer...still nada. Then I thought wait a minute, what if I put the spinach in first? Now why I hadn't thought of this before? I have no idea (If you have, super huge mega props to you for being way smarter than I was...... but let me have my "ah hah" moment if you don't mind...just kidding, love ya!).

So now what I do to get a super smooth, super awesome green smoothie is....I put my greens in first, with whatever liquid I am using (almond milk, coconut milk, water ets.), and blend till smooth. Which takes hardly any time at all. Then I add all my other ingredients and voila!!! Instant creamy, almost frosty-like smoothie....except ya

Anyway, thanks for listening to me rant! Below I've given you my absolute favorite green smoothie recipe. Enjoy!!!! Oh and let me know what you think!

 Green Detox Smoothie


1/2 Cup almond milk (or water)
1 Cucumber
1 Cup kale (or spinach)
1/2 green apple
1/2 squeezed lime (or Lemon)
1 Tbs melted coconut oil
1 Cup frozen pineapple

 1. Blend spinach and liquid until smooth.

See?!? No slime, or gunk, or sludge! Yayness!!!

2. Add remaining ingredients, blend thoroughly and enjoy!!!

 P.S You can always add ice if you only have fresh pineapple to give it that frozen awesomeness that...let's be honest...really makes a smoothie. Hope you guys enjoyed this recipe! Let me know what you think!

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